• Abdul Rozi Mahasiswa
Keywords: Keywords: Kepoh Village; Rubbish; Ecobricks.


Abstract- Kepoh Village is used as a TPA (Final Disposal Site) for waste from all villages in Toboali District. The mountainous pile of garbage dominated by plastic is a serious problem that must be addressed immediately. Waste management in Kepoh Village is still not managed properly so that a lot of waste ends up in landfills, especially plastic waste. In fact, plastic waste is waste that takes a long time to decompose and has a negative impact on the earth. With these problems, MAs KKN students try to work together with village officials, hamlet heads, RT heads, PKK mothers, Karang Taruna and Kepoh Village elementary school students to carry out plastic waste recycling activities as the best step in overcoming these problems through making ecobrick. The introduction of ecobrick to the residents of Kepoh Village was carried out through socialization and workshops which were not only carried out once, attended by more than 50 participants. The results of this study indicate that there is an increase in environmental awareness, creativity, perseverance and tenacity in every Kepoh Village resident. The ecobricks that have been made produce chairs and tables that local people can use.




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